SeaPort-e Contract
The Predicate Logic SeaPort-e Team is excited to have been awarded the SeaPort Enhanced Multiple Award Contract. Therefore, Predicate Logic, Inc is providing this website to facilitate communication with potential customers throughout the period of performance of Contract No. N00178-05-D-4501 also referred to as the NAVSEA SeaPort Enhanced (SeaPort-e) Contract.
The Predicate Logic Team consists of 12 companies with strategic technical capabilities to support the Navy.
The Predicate Logic Team will provide world-class professional support services to all NAVSEA Program Executive Offices, Directorates, Warfare Centers, and Field Activities, utilizing the SeaPort-e Contract.
The period of performance for SeaPort-e, including award term options, is May 5, 2005, through December 31, 2019.
Additionally, the Predicate Logic Team may provide limited support under this contract to other DOD non-DOD, or Joint Agencies for work that is integrally related to the product areas and missions of the Warfare Centers. The scope of the Predicate Logic Team SeaPort-e contract spans all twelve (12) PADs. The Predicate Logic Team is qualified to provide services to each of the PADs encompassing twenty-one (21) Functional Areas across all seven (7) geographical diverse Zones.
Predicate Logic has designated a SeaPort Point of Contact for each zone. Click on a zone to see the point of contact information.
SeaPort-e Task Orders